Friday, June 18, 2010


This suumer was horrible with roaring temeratures touching 45 degrees in may places of india especially urban areas. Increasing vehicular traffic,deforestation,senseless cutting of trees in cities in the name of development,vanishing farmland, expanding cement jungles resulted unrepairable damage to the environment.
Man is not a creater but only demolisher. we cant create anything mother earth gifts us to sustain basic life water , oxygen,food . neither we have capability to crete rain, wind,river,sea,mountains,dawn and dusk. we are curious to reach moon and search for water and oxygen for posibility of life when we have flenty of all those here on mother earth and just dont have common sense to retain them in good form.
Mother nature is a great leveller she knows to protect herself overcome imbalance by earthquakes,tsunamies,floods and what not and we so called so powerfull creatures on earth will vanish from this earth just like dinisaurs vanished millions of years ego.
This is high time man realizes the importance of keeping nature in good shape and respect it wiil give all us the same. Lets go green on world environmental day.